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Wreck-It Ralph

Blu Ray

  • Score: 65

    from 2 reviewers

    Review Date:

  • Wreck-It Ralph's 4K HDR and Atmos upgrade dazzles despite minor flaws; a must for fans & collectors.

    Wreck-It Ralph Front Cover

    Disc Release Date

  • Video: 77

  • Wreck-It Ralph's UHD debut shines with vibrant HDR colors and refined contrasts, outperforming Blu-ray despite limited detail enhancement, ideal for advanced 4K HDR displays.

  • Audio: 85

  • Wreck-It Ralph's Dolby Atmos mix offers an immersive experience with precise sound staging, though sometimes lacking in clarity and bass depth, and improves upon the original without Disney's usual audio pitfalls.

  • Extra: 65

  • Wreck-It Ralph's home video release includes a rich array of Blu-only special features like Paperman short, behind-the-scenes content, alternate scenes, faux commercials, and interactive Disney Intermission, plus a Movies Anywhere code.

  • Movie: 80

  • Disney re-releases 'Wreck-It Ralph' in UHD ahead of sequel, enhancing it with 2160p/HDR video and Dolby Atmos, maintaining its engaging story and technical novelty.

    Video: 77

    "Wreck-It Ralph" leaps onto 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray with a stunning 2160p HDR10 transfer, distinguishing itself markedly from the standard Blu-ray edition primarily through its enhanced HDR color palette. While the expected increase in detail inherent to 4K presentations is largely imperceptible, due to the animated film's original resolution cap, the HDR enhancement significantly deepens blacks and refines colors, lending scenes a richer and more immersive appearance. Noteworthy is the dark, intense depth of night scenes and the lush, vibrant portrayal of the Sugar Rush game world, where colors like Ralph's orange shirt and various elements within Hero's Duty and Sugar Rush exhibit an improved color balance and intensity. This is particularly apparent when comparing the lively, albeit more garish, colors of the previous 1080p/SDR presentation with the nuanced and stable hues offered by HDR.

    The absence of aliasing or banding, issues sometimes noted on the Blu-ray version, speaks to the quality of this 4K transfer. Despite being an upconvert from 2K, the disc takes full advantage of HDR's broader color spectrum and enhanced contrast capabilities. Enhanced shadow details in darker scenes and refined gradients around light sources contribute to a more visually engaging experience. The Sugar Rush world, in particular, benefits from this treatment, boasting a palette of resplendent pinks and pastels that seem to pop off the screen, while Hero's Duty's visuals are augmented with intensified greens.

    Provided you possess a 4K HDR display capable of leveraging over 90% of the DCI P3 color space, "Wreck-It Ralph" on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray represents a worthwhile upgrade. The benefits of HDR—enhanced color depth, accuracy, and improved contrast—make for a visually richer viewing experience. Despite the slight improvement in texture details only visible in certain scenes due to more precise color and contrast adjustments, it's the transformative power of HDR that brings this animated adventure to life in a new and exhilarating way.

    Audio: 85

    The Dolby Atmos soundtrack for "Wreck-It Ralph" on Blu-ray marks a significant upgrade in audio presentation, delivering an engaging and often thrilling experience that leverages the capabilities of overhead sound positioning, albeit with some minor issues in execution. Despite Disney's history of volume and dynamic range concerns in their home entertainment releases, this particular mix sidesteps such pitfalls, offering a balanced and immersive soundscape without the need for adjustment. Vocal performances are crisp and clear, with dialogue consistently well-prioritized and centered, engaging the listener directly. The score and pop music elements receive a broad stage, seamlessly integrated with environmental sounds to create a rich, full experience. Sound effects and object movements are articulate across the soundscape, enhancing the dynamic action sequences with precision.

    However, the soundtrack is not without its flaws. Although the added dimensions of the Atmos mix introduce a heightened sense of immersion, there remain missed opportunities for more extensive use of overhead channels to fully realize the audio's spatial potential. Moreover, the low-frequency effects (LFE) channel occasionally underwhelms, lacking the depth and power expected in key moments of intensity. Certain action scenes and racing sequences suffer from audio clarity issues, presenting a mix that can feel muddy or unbalanced in its execution. Discrete effects are generally well-handled but occasionally lose fidelity, detracting from an otherwise meticulously constructed auditory experience.

    Overall, while "Wreck-It Ralph's" Dolby Atmos track on Blu-ray offers a substantial improvement over previous iterations, creating a voluminous and enveloping auditory environment, it does not consistently deliver the pristine clarity and force of top-tier Atmos presentations. The soundtrack excels in its atmospheric and detailed stage dispersal but could benefit from refinement in LFE handling and overhead sound utilization to truly capitalize on the format's capabilities.

    Extra: 65

    The Blu-ray re-release of "Wreck-It Ralph" stands notable for its inclusion of all the original supplements, a treat for enthusiasts and newcomers alike. The extras, primarily housed on the Blu-ray disc, offer a compelling dive into the creation and nuances of the film's universe. Highlights include the charming "Paperman" digital short, an Oscar-winning piece that serves as a universal inclusion across "Wreck-It Ralph" releases. "Bit by Bit: Creating the Worlds of Wreck-It Ralph" provides insightful commentary from Director Rich Moore on the development process of the film's distinct settings. Further depth is explored through "Alternate & Deleted Scenes" with optional directorial commentary, providing context and understanding of the film's evolutionary journey. Additionally, "Video Game Commercials" offer a nostalgic touch, crafting a believable vintage aesthetic for the in-film games. These extras enrich the viewing experience, showcasing the meticulous care and creative process behind "Wreck-It Ralph".

    Extras included in this disc:

    • Paperman: Theatrical Short
    • Bit by Bit: Creating the Worlds of Wreck-It Ralph: Director Rich Moore discusses the development of different settings.
    • Alternate & Deleted Scenes: With optional commentary by director Rich Moore.
    • Video Game Commercials: Faux TV spots for games within the film.
    • Sneak Peeks: Previews of upcoming Disney titles.
    • Disney Intermission: The Gamer’s Guide to Wreck-It Ralph: Hosted featurettes that engage viewers during film pauses.

    Movie: 80

    Disney's enchanting journey back into the arcade with "Wreck-It Ralph" on UHD breathes new life into the animated hit, aligning perfectly with its thematic core of renewal and self-discovery. The release elevates the visual and auditory experience with a stunning 2160p/HDR video upgrade and an immersive Dolby Atmos soundtrack, ensuring that both newcomers and fans returning ahead of the sequel's cinematic launch receive the utmost quality presentation. While the inclusion of original supplements and the identical Blu-ray from March 2013 might seem like a missed opportunity for additional content, the core movie experience remains untouched and grandly presented.

    Ralph's quest for identity and acceptance in the digital realm takes us through a brilliantly realized video game universe. Desperate to be seen as more than just the villain of 'Fix-It Felix', Ralph's journey catapults him across game genres—from the intense action of 'Hero's Duty' to the candy-coated landscapes of 'Sugar Rush'. This narrative not only explores themes of redemption and friendship but does so by weaving through a rich tapestry of game worlds, each beautifully rendered to capture the essence of their genre. The interactions among characters, from the hard-edged Sergeant Calhoun to the glitchy yet spirited Vanellope, underscore an engaging story of self-discovery and acceptance, making every scene purposeful and contributing to a tightly knit plot.

    "Wreck-It Ralph" stands as a testament to Disney Animation's capacity to blend cutting-edge technology with timeless storytelling. The technical mastery on display in both animation and sound design enriches the narrative of Ralph and Vanellope's unlikely friendship, set against backdrop filled with nods to gaming history that will delight aficionados and casual viewers alike. As much as it is a celebration of gaming culture, it's also a heartwarming tale that transcends age, making it a compelling watch for audiences across the spectrum. Vital disc stats offer a straightforward way for audiences to own this modern classic, ensuring "Wreck-It Ralph" retains its place in home video collections with optimal audiovisual presentation.

    Total: 65

    The "Wreck-It Ralph" UHD Blu-ray offers a notable improvement over its standard Blu-ray counterpart, primarily through the application of HDR which notably enhances color balance, accuracy, and overall image depth. However, it's important to note that while the HDR boosts visual appeal, it does not contribute significantly to textural detail enhancement. The Dolby Atmos audio track contributes to an immersive viewing experience with its effective utilization of surround and overhead channels, albeit with occasional clarity issues in some scenes. Collectors might also be interested in the Best Buy exclusive SteelBook edition, which offers a unique packaging option without adding any new bonus content.

    Fans of video games, especially those nostalgic for arcade culture from the 80s and 90s, will find "Wreck-It Ralph" particularly delightful, not just for its myriad references but for its strong narrative and engaging character development as well. The UHD Blu-ray maintains the quality seen in Disney's recent 4K releases, providing improved color, contrast, and smoother encoding, even if it doesn't introduce additional detail into the mix. The Dolby Atmos mix represents a significant improvement over Disney's recent home audio tracks, despite lacking in some areas when compared to the industry's best.

    In conclusion, the "Wreck-It Ralph" 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray is a solid investment for fans new to the franchise or those looking to upgrade their viewing experience. The enhanced visual and audio presentation makes for a more immersive and engaging viewing experience. While it may not redefine home theater expectations, it is a significant step up from previous releases, making it a recommended addition to anyone's collection looking for both nostalgia and quality entertainment.